
구몬 영어 D단계 답지(11~), 문형2: 3형식, 4형식

꽃을든낭자 2022. 7. 6. 11:27

구몬 영어 D단계 답지(11~), 문형2: 3형식, 4형식

오타가 있을 수 있고 답지를 확인한 것이 아니라 본인이 풀이한 내용입니다. 다시 한번 공부하면서 작성한 답지입니다. 혹시 오답이 있더라도 욕하지 마시고 댓글로 친절히 알려주시길 부탁드립니다. 서로 공부한 내용을 공유하면서 더 좋은 성적을 기대해 봅니다.



<문형1: 1형식, 2형식>



study Chinese


know this word

learned these words

He read this book

I ate an apple




gave him a tie


gave him an orange

teaches us math

They told me the story

She gave him a watch





brought me some fruit


will bring me some fruit

bought him a tie

She made us a cake

They bought us carrot juice





history to us


Mrs. Brown made a cake for me

He told an interesting story to us

I gace a tie to him

I will bring some flowers for you





Mom brought me some fruit.

He tells interesting stories to us.


I ate some sandwiches.

Mrs. Bell teaches us Chinese.

Mom brought me some cheese.






for her




She studies English

I bought a German dictionary for her.

He told an interesting story to me.










we will bring her some flowers.

He taught us English

We bought him a tie







for her



His mother brought some cookies for him.

I gave him some water.

He teaches us English.





He has two sons.

He tells me their stories


They have a daughter.

They tell me her stories

They gave her a cool bike.





He gave soem oranges to me

I made him orange juice.


He gives fruit to us

He brought us a lot of apples.

We made him apple muffins.




오타가 있을 수 있고 답지를 확인한 것이 아니라 본인이 풀이한 내용입니다. 다시 한번 공부하면서 작성한 답지입니다. 혹시 오답이 있더라도 욕하지 마시고 댓글로 친절히 알려주시길 부탁드립니다. 서로 공부한 내용을 공유하면서 더 좋은 성적을 기대해 봅니다.


