
구몬 영어 E단계 답지(101~), 현재완료 4: We have been looking~ for an hour

꽃을든낭자 2022. 8. 24. 11:25

구몬 영어 E단계 답지(101~), 현재완료 4: We have been looking~ for an hour


오타가 있을 수 있고 답지를 확인한 것이 아니라 본인이 풀이한 내용입니다. 다시 한번 공부하면서 작성한 답지입니다. 혹시 오답이 있더라도 욕하지 마시고 댓글로 친절히 알려주시길 부탁드립니다. 서로 공부한 내용을 공유하면서 더 좋은 성적을 기대해 봅니다.






  •  have/has p.p: 막 ~했다. 끝남
  •  have/has alread p.p: 이미 ~했다.
  •  have/has just p.p: 지금 막 ~했다.
  • 결과: 과거에 행한 동작의 결과가 현재에도 영향을 줌.
  •  계속: 계속 ~하고 있다. for(~동안), since(이후로) 많이 씀.
  •  경험: ~한 적이 있다. before(~전에) 많이 씀. 
  •  have/ has been to~: ~에 가 본 적이 있다.
  •  have/has never p.p: 한번도 ~한 적이 없다.

twice(두 번), once(한 번), times(~번): 현재완료 문장에 많이 씀.   현재완료 VS 과거 시제 차이

현재완료 VS 과거 시제 차이

  • 현재완료: "막 ~했다." 막 끝남.
  • 과거: 과거 시점에서 동작이나 일이 끝남. 


현재완료 부정문

  • have/has not p.p... yet(아직)


현재완료 의문문

  •  have/has S p.p: 했냐?
  •  have/has S p.p... yet: 벌써 했냐?
  •  have/has S ever p.p: 지금까지 ~한 적이 있냐?
  •  How many times hve/has S p.p: 몇 번 했냐?(경험의 횟수를 물을 때)



현재완료 진행

  •  have/has been -ing: ~계속 ~하고 있다. 
  •  How long have/has S p.p: 현재까지 계속되고 있는 기간을 물을 때.
  •  How many years heve/has S p.p: 몇 년간 계속되고 있는지 물을 때.

현재까지 동작이 계속되고 있음을 나타냄. for, since 많이 씀.



<현재완료 4: We have been looking~ for an hour>



have been looking     for

has been looking     for

has been rainging since

has been barking for a long time.

have been practincing      since ten O'clock.



have not seen     since
has not seen     since

has not stept since last night.

have not played     for

have not talked to each other for a month.




how long have     studied 
How long has    waited

How long have     stayed

How long has     been sick?

How long has     lived in New York?



How many years have      known

how many years have      lived

How many weeks has     been

How many months has     studied

How many months have     had



Bob has been looking for his puppy for two hours.

How many weeks has she been in the hospital?
I have not seen him since this morning.

How long has Tom been sick?

we have been looking for him for three hours.







She has been worrying about him since then.

How long has she had her cat?

How long has he lived in New York?







How many years have you studied German?

I have not used it much since last fall.

I have not played it for a year.







I have not seen her since the accident.

My mother has been taking care of him for a month.

My dog has been barking for a long time.



How many years have you had your dog?

I have been looking for him since them.
How many years have you had your dog?

I have been looking for him since them.

I have been worrying about him since saturday.



How long have you know him?

we have not seen each other since last month.

How long have you known her?

we have not seen each other since last year.

we have not talked to each other for a month.

오타가 있을 수 있고 답지를 확인한 것이 아니라 본인이 풀이한 내용입니다. 다시 한번 공부하면서 작성한 답지입니다. 혹시 오답이 있더라도 욕하지 마시고 댓글로 친절히 알려주시길 부탁드립니다. 서로 공부한 내용을 공유하면서 더 좋은 성적을 기대해 봅니다.