
구몬 영어 D단계 답지(151~), 접속사1

꽃을든낭자 2022. 7. 14. 13:38

구몬 영어 D단계 답지(151~), 접속사1

오타가 있을 수 있고 답지를 확인한 것이 아니라 본인이 풀이한 내용입니다. 다시 한번 공부하면서 작성한 답지입니다. 혹시 오답이 있더라도 욕하지 마시고 댓글로 친절히 알려주시길 부탁드립니다. 서로 공부한 내용을 공유하면서 더 좋은 성적을 기대해 봅니다.






and I carried it.


and we carried it.

and I read a book.

in bed and his mom is calling him.




but he eats the salad.


but she drinks it.

cheese but he doesn't like it.

likes cakes but she can't eat them

I called Roy but he isn't here.





or turn left?


or go straight?

meet her or call her?

Should I walk or take a bus?

Will you stay at home or go to school?





or you'll miss it.


and you can catch the bus?

hurry up, or you'll be late.

Go straight, and you can find the park.





Did he go straight or turn left?

Hurry up, or you'll be late.


I called Yuna but she wasn't there.

Roy is in bed and Alex is calling him.

Did she go straight or turn left?










Mom wanted beef but she didn't buy it.

Mom bought milk and I carried it.

Mom sings and Dad plays the guitar.










Turn right at the corner, and you can gind it.

Should I turn right or go straight

Should I walk or take a bus










Finish your salad, or you can't have anything else.

I don't like carrot juice but I drink it.

Study hard, or you'll not pass it.





og go to school?

and you can catch the train.


Hurry up, or you'll miss the bus.

Will you stay at home or go to school

get up, and you can catch the bus.





and Mom plays the piano.

but I can't play it.


Dad sings and Mom plays the piano.

He wants to play the piano but the can't play it.

He wants to play the guitar but he can't play it.



오타가 있을 수 있고 답지를 확인한 것이 아니라 본인이 풀이한 내용입니다. 다시 한번 공부하면서 작성한 답지입니다. 혹시 오답이 있더라도 욕하지 마시고 댓글로 친절히 알려주시길 부탁드립니다. 서로 공부한 내용을 공유하면서 더 좋은 성적을 기대해 봅니다.


