
구몬 영어 B단계 답지(71~), be동사 과거 3: 부정문, 의문문 I did not see~. / Did she cook~?

꽃을든낭자 2022. 3. 2. 14:00

구몬 영어 B단계 답지(71~), be동사 과거 3: 부정문, 의문문 I did not see~. / Did she cook~?

오타가 있을 수 있고 답지를 확인한 것이 아니라 본인이 풀이한 내용입니다. 다시 한번 공부하면서 작성한 답지입니다. 혹시 오답이 있더라도 욕하지 마시고 댓글로 친절히 알려주시길 부탁드립니다. 서로 공부한 내용을 공유하면서 더 좋은 성적을 기대해 봅니다. 

<be동사 과거 3: 부정문, 의문문 I did not see~. / Did she cook~?>

did not see

They did not come today.
I did not see the kids.

They did not come today.

We did not eat the cake.

She did not buy a new cup.



did not know

Her father did not tell her.
Yuna did not know about the party.

Her father did not tell her.

Roy did not carry water for me.

The birds did not sing in the tree.




Did    cook    ?

Yes, she did.
Did she cook dinner?

Yes, she did.

Did they live near the church?

Yes, they did.

Did you have a good time?

Yes, I did.




Did    get up   ?

No, I didn't
Did you get up early this morning?

No, I didn't.

Did you play tennis this morning?

No, I didn't.

Did he cut the newspaper?

No, he didn't.




She did not come

He did not tell

I did not know

Alex did not see
I did not see the kids.

They did not come today.

Yuna did not know about the party.
Her father did not tell her.




Did Yuna get up

she didn't

Did you cook

I did.
Did she cook dinner?

Yes, she did.

Did you get up early this morning?

No, I didn't.

Did they live near the church?

Yes, they did.




The birds did not sing in the tree.

Did you play tennis this morning?

Did you have a good time?

The birds did not sing in the tree.

Did you play tennis this morning?

No, I didn't.

Did you have a good time?

Yes, I did.




I did not see the kids.

They did not come today.
Did she cook dinner?

Yes, she did.

I did not see the kids.

I did not see the dids.

They did not come today.




Did you get up early this morning?

No, I didn't.
Yuna did not know about the party.

Her father did not tell her.

Did you get up early this morning?

No, I didn't.




Did you win?

No, I didn't.
Did you play tennis yesterday?

Yes, I did.

Did you win?

No, I didn't.

I did not play well.


오타가 있을 수 있고 답지를 확인한 것이 아니라 본인이 풀이한 내용입니다. 다시 한번 공부하면서 작성한 답지입니다. 혹시 오답이 있더라도 욕하지 마시고 댓글로 친절히 알려주시길 부탁드립니다. 서로 공부한 내용을 공유하면서 더 좋은 성적을 기대해 봅니다. 


